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This is my first official level for Half-Life. Will maby make a mod of it
later on.

It's actually ment to give You a "deja vu"-feeling playing it, as it is based
upon the "old" games "Wolfenstein 3D" and "Duke Nukem 3D". So if
You've ever played one of these games, You probably recognise it.

In the first part I've tried to make the first level of "Wolfenstein 3D" in
Half-Life-style. I've tried to keep it as close as possible to the original. This
because I wanted to force myself to find solutions to how things are made
in Half-Life.

The "Duke Nukem 3D" -bit isn't as strict, but I've used some of the scenery
from the original.

Later there might also pop up a level from "Doom"...

The story:

You are Gordon Freeman ( once again ). There has been buildt a city
ontop of what once was the Castle Wolfenstein. Scientists has used the
remains for some experiments, but lately some military has taken over it.
The military don't like Gordon, and think he might have some valuable
information that may corrupt them. The easiest way, would be to just
eliminate Gordon, but they have to know if there is anyone else that
might know something. So they bring Gordon to the old dungeons
for interregation...

When You play, make sure You find the secret areas at the end of
"Wolfenstein 3D" ( same as in the originale ). From here I will add some
levels that have nothing to do with the rest of the game ( just for fun ).
One of the levels is named "The Mounter". It consist in, among other things,
48 soldiers ( tight together ) and 60 hand grenades...
Another level is named "The Duke's Peepshow". Here I've gathered some
of Duke's "babes". Unfortunately there are a military camp nearby, so
You are not by Yourself to enjoy the show...

In the way of software, I use Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 to model the maps,
Zoner's Halflife Tools 2.5.3 to compiling, Wavelength Sprite Wizard v1.1
and Hex-editor XVI32 to make the sprites, GoldWave 5 to make the
wav-files, Photoshop 7 and Wally 1.55b to make the .wad-files.
I've alsoo used some of the Build-tools that were bundled with
"Duke Nukem 3D - Nuclear Edition" to extract orginal sounds and textures
used in the Duke-part.

I also recommend Handy Vandal's comprehensive link-collection.

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If You click at the pictures, they will open in a new frame with a resolution of
1024 x 768 pixels.

This is just a few of the screenshots.
If You want to see them all, You may go to the Screenshots-page.

From the intro.
Link to a larger picture

Wolfenstein 3D...
Link to a larger picture

First hall.
Link to a larger picture

They await Your
hand grenades ...
Link to a larger picture

Mmm... A Duke-babe...
Are there more of those...
Link to a larger picture

Known scene from
Duke Nukem 3D
Link to a larger picture

The cinemas
Link to a larger picture

There are others who
want to "gamble" here...
Link to a larger picture

The toilet
Link to a larger picture

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If You're up to mapping You'reself, You might use some of my pre-fabs.
You can study and download them from the Pre-Fabs-page.

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Latest version

Download the latest version :
Version 2.00     deja_200 .zip ( 6 316 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )

If You have an utility like WinZip, just unzip the contents of the file
to Your Half-Life directory.
You must somehow unzip the file, copy
all the .bsp files to Your Half-Life\valve\maps folder,
all the .nod and .nrp files to Your Half-Life\valve\maps\graphs folder,
all the .bmp and .tga files to Your Half-Life\valve\gfx\env folder,
all the .wav files to Your Half-Life\valve\sound\ambience folder,
and all the .spr files to Your Half-Life\valve\sprites folder.
( You might have to make some of those folders if they don't exist. )

Important :
I have made an addition to the "sentences.txt" in order to make my custom
sentences work more smoothly.
If you already got a sentences.txt -file in Your "\valve\sound" folder, DO NOT
OVERWRITE IT ! You have to paste the "//DejaVu" part located at the
bottom of the \dejavu\sentences.txt into Your existing
\valve\sound\sentences.txt !
If You don't have a sentences.txt -file in Your "\valve\sound" folder, You have
to manually copy, or move, the "sentences.txt" -file from the folder "\dejavu"
to the "\valve\sound" folder.
I have done this deliberately so that any existing custom sentences in the
"sentences.txt" won't be overwriten !

Start the level:
Start the game with console ( hl.exe -toconsole ) and type "skill x"
( without the quotes, and x is 1 for easy and 3 for difficult ).
Then type "map dejavu".

In Windows98 You may type
"hl.exe -toconsole +skill"3" +map dejavu" from the Start => Run...

Or You may use one of the .lnk files I've made ( in the Half-Life\dejavu
folder ). The .lnk's starts the level in Hard-mode. The one with (N) behind
is for Norwegian systems.
( If You installed Half-Life into another folder than the default, You may
compare the two .lnk's to see how to edit them, to suit Your system. )

Make sure your CD is in place, or both intro and outro will be quite
booring !

If You, by any chance, don't want to view the intro, You may type
"map dejavu11" instead of "map dejavu".
Or if You want to go directly to the secret area, You may type
"map dejavu01" instead of "map dejavu".

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V.2.00 : ( kB, xx.xx.2004 00:00 )
  • Added the rest of the first Duke Nukem 3D -map.
  • Made a entrence to the secret area, so that You may enter it without
    playing the Wolfenstein -part. Just type "map dejavu01" instead of
    "map dejavu".
    There are now only three maps that You may start from :
    dejavu ( normal ), dejavu11 ( without the intro ) and dejavu01 ( directly to the secret aerea ).
  • Fixed the sprites used in "The Duke's Peepshow", so they won't
    "lean" over or under the player when jumping or crouching.
  • Added some env_sound to improove the sound for thoose playing
    with a soundcard supporting EAX.
  • The teleports in the "secret" area now have sound and visual effects.
  • The maps have been corrected so the player won't do a little jump
    after some of the level-changes.
  • Made an addition to the sentences.txt. Please read the "Important"
    -part in the "Latest version/Installation" above !
  • Contents:
    dejavu\dejavu (N).lnk ( 1 kB, 02.04.2002 00:00 )
    dejavu\dejavu.lnk ( 1 kB, 02.04.2002 00:00 )
    dejavu\sentences.txt ( 50 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02bk.bmp ( 66 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02bk.tga ( 193 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02dn.bmp ( 66 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02dn.tga ( 193 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02ft.bmp ( 66 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02ft.tga ( 193 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02lf.bmp ( 66 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02lf.tga ( 193 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02rt.bmp ( 66 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02rt.tga ( 193 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02up.bmp ( 66 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\gfx\env\deja02up.tga ( 193 kB, 16.11.2002 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu.bsp ( 171 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu.txt ( 10 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu00.bsp ( 2 245 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu01.bsp ( 161 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu02.bsp ( 237 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu03.bsp ( 1 532 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu11.bsp ( 859 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu12.bsp ( 1 933 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu21.bsp ( 1 044 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu22.bsp ( 2 844 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu23.bsp ( 6 851 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\dejavu99.bsp ( 21 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu02.nod ( 21 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu02.nrp ( 92 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu03.nod ( 33 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu03.nrp ( 124 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu11.nod ( 266 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu11.nrp ( 1 063 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu12.nod ( 160 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu12.nrp ( 505 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu22.nod ( 47 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu22.nrp ( 121 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu23.nod ( 152 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\maps\graphs\dejavu23.nrp ( 436 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu01.wav ( 76 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu02.wav ( 145 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu03.wav ( 23 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu04.wav ( 12 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu05.wav ( 13 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu06.wav ( 16 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu07.wav ( 27 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu08.wav ( 17 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu09.wav ( 20 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu10.wav ( 20 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sound\ambience\dejavu11.wav ( 20 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu01.spr ( 141 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu02.spr ( 152 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu03.spr ( 57 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu04.spr ( 55 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu05.spr ( 22 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu06.spr ( 121 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu07.spr ( 29 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu08.spr ( 43 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
    valve\sprites\dejavu09.spr ( 5 kB, 03.10.2004 00:00 )
Earlier Revisjon

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Here are some stuff that might will appear in future updates.
  • A new map in the secret area, showing off my three floor elevator.
  • Beneath is a ( bad ) picture of it.

Three floor elevator with doors that follows it.
Will be put out in the "secret" area.
Picture of the project

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If You want to be noticed whenever I update Dejavu or the Dejavu-page,
You may subscribe to my e-mail list.

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You are welcome to download this picture for the link:
Dejavu-page link-picture

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-Do You find any errors?

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